Health and Fitness

Top 10 Benefits to Drinking Coffee

Ahhh…That first cup of coffee! What a wonderful feeling! Coffee not only tastes amazing, but did you know it has amazing health benefits too! There has been talk on whether coffee is good for you. This comes from poorly designed studies that don’t take into account how the coffee was roasted or the quality of the beans used. If you use bad coffee, you will get bad results, just as with any other food or beverage. When studies are done on high quality coffee that is free of mold and toxins, the results are extremely positive!

1. High in antioxidants 

Coffee is super concentrated with antioxidants and antioxidants function to neutralize free radicals which cause cellular damage. Cellular damage leads to increased aging, disease and cancer, which is why we want to prevent this from happening as much as possible. Fun fact – coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the United States. The picture above is of the special coffee I had every day on my cruise! Yum!!

2. Metabolism boost

Coffee contains powerful thermogenic capacity, revving up your metabolism and causing you to burn more calories. A cup of coffee daily will help to kick start your metabolic rate.

3. Decreased risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Coffee, Coffee Beans, Cup Of Coffee
Studies have found an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and the development of Type 2 Diabetes. The study actually found that decaf coffee also was protective against the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. We have seen a steady rise in Type 2 Diabetes over the past few years, and it is great to know that coffee can possibly help prevent individuals from developing this chronic disease.

4. Protects your liver

Studies have shown that drinking coffee regularly may decrease your chance of liver cancer as well as cirrhosis of the liver (disease of the liver). 

5. Good for your heart

Coffee, Cup, Heart Rate, Pulse, Live
Studies have found that drinking coffee may be beneficial for your cardiovascular system, including decreased risk of heart attack and stroke.

6. Decreased risk of death

It has been found that drinking coffee regularly has been associated with a decreased risk of early death. This may be due to the high antioxidant power of coffee and its anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

7. Decreased risk of Multiple Sclerosis

Technology, Cardiac, Care, Checkup
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease where the immune system attacks the central nervous system and disrupts the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Studies have found that coffee consumption may prevent MS possibly due to blocking inflammation that can be part of MS. This is important for me, since I was digagnosed with MS decades ago. My favorite coffee now is cafe bustelo.

8. Decreased risk of Parkinson’s Disease

Studies have found that drinking coffee daily may help to prevent or delay the onset of Parkinson’s Disease. By no means is this a cure and you should always consult with your physician first. 

9. Good for your brain

Notebook, Typing, Coffee, Computer
Coffee consumption has been linked to better cognitive function as well as decreased risk of dementia. This is due to the possible neuroprotective effects of coffee as well as it being anti-inflammatory and a concentrated form of antioxidants.

10. Increased fat burning

Coffee helps to increase fat burning in your body because it helps to release fatty acids from tissue so that they can be used for energy. This paired with revving up your metabolism definitely helps to keep you in shape! That’s me, waiting at the airport with one of my other favorite’s! Starbucks coffee…Caramel Macchiato! 

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