Showing 10 Result(s)
Health and Fitness

Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Ahhh…That first cup of coffee! What a wonderful feeling! Coffee not only tastes amazing, but did you know it has amazing health benefits too! There has been talk on whether coffee is good for you. This comes from poorly designed studies that don’t take into account how the coffee was roasted or the quality of …

GUNDRY MD -Brand Ambassador

Health Benefits from Dr. Gundry’s Primal Plants

This 25-ingredient formula combines polyphenol-rich green superfoods with cutting-edge digestive & metabolic support blends. Primal Plants is formulated to help promote better digestion, increase energy levels, and give you more youthful, healthier skin…from the inside out! Helps boost skin health and appearance Promotes improved digestion Supports heart health “Quick-Dissolve” mix with delicious, all-natural green apple …


Welcome to The Ritz-Carlton

THE GOLD STANDARD THE HISTORY OF THE RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL COMPANY In the United States, The Ritz-Carlton Investing Company was established by Albert Keller who bought and franchised the name. In the early 1900s, several hotels were known as The Ritz-Carlton, in places such as Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlantic City, San Francisco and Boca Raton.  However, by 1940 none of the hotels …

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